Page 3 - OSG: Garry Pereira: Found Poetry
P. 3

garry pereira                                    Garry Pereira has a worldwide following for his

                                                        British landscapes and seascapes through the
       found poetry                                     international art fairs where his quintessential
                                                        paintings of our coastlines and much heralded
                                                        countryside are revered. His paintings are almost
                                                        all completed en plein air. He travels the length and
                                                        breadth of Britain looking for vistas to reflect the
                                                        land and sea that he loves.

                                                        His remarkable and atmospheric seascapes are very
                                                        often painted on trawlers, out in the high seas. We
                                                        are delighted to be showing Garry’s latest body of
                                                        work which again captures the magic and romance
                                                        of the British Isles like few others.

                                                        Geoffrey Hughes, 2023
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