Page 5 - OSG: Calendar 2024
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Raoof Haghighi
                                                  17th April – 28th April
                                                  Rental Exhibition
                                                  Haghighi is a self- taught, versatile
                                                  artist who has participated in over
                                                  70 international group and 40 solo
                                                  shows. Haghighi’s paintings are
                                                  mostly oil on canvas and focus on his
                                                  strong cultural traditions as well as
                                                  his interest in the changing world of

                                                  In his paintings, he has quite often
                                                  questioned the attitudes, fears,
                                                  conflicts, incompatibilities and
                                                  unwritten rules which have formed
                                                  our environment and our behaviour
                                                  within it.

                                                  OSG is thrilled to be hosting A
                                                  Gallery’s artist Haghighi’s work
                                                  once again as one of our captivating
                                                  gallery rentals this year

      Untitled, Raoof Haghighi

      James Hamilton
      7th May – 25th May
      James Hamilton has been painting quietly for nearly twenty years, beside his career
      as an art gallery curator and director, and, since the early 1990s, biographer and art
      historian. His spirited watercolours have vivacity and charm, with a quirky, unfamiliar
      eye on landscape form and
      They are antidotes to the work of
      his beloved Turner, Gainsborough
      and Constable, Hamilton’s way of
      getting away from the presence
      of these famous, world-shaping
      colossi. As one critic has said
      of James Hamilton’s work, ‘your
      paintings make me happy’.
      What better recommendation
      can there be?
              Sea and Rocks, Nerja 2006,
                      James Hamilton
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